By now, most people know that there was a stellar bluefin tuna bite in the Gully just south of Block Island for the better part of the last week. With whales and dolphins actively feeding on bait, and schools of bluefins being marked on the sounders, it had the potential for many anglers to be outstanding. Many boats were able to catch and release as many fish as they wanted after taking their two "under" fish (unless they were lucky enough to catch an "over"). With all this bait in the area, and the amount of tunas around, there were plenty of makos lurking around the area as well, which bode well for some teams competing in the Niantic Sharkweek Shark and Tuna Tournament. Pictured here is Team "Reel Struggle" with a 149.5 pound Mako.
Striped Bass fishing before the storm was excellent, with many large fish being caught locally as well as in the race and around Montauk and Block Island.
Fluke fishing has been decent locally recently, and sea bass has continued to be good off of Clinton and around Block.